Reb Pixel Marketing


Non-profit Marketing Help

The work that you and your non-profit organization do is a cornerstone of our community. I have seen first-hand the impact that can be made in neighborhoods, schools and beyond with the help of organizations like yours.

If you’re anything like the non-profit leaders we’ve worked with in the past -- chances are, you’re wearing many hats. Sometimes an Executive Director for a non-profit is also CFO, Media Relations Director, Development Director, Programming Director and many more to name a few roles. Many organizations become laser focused on programmatic offerings and donors. Those are great and necessary focal points, but marketing and strategy must be considered, too.

There are a few simple things you and your team can do now to address marketing and advertising for your non-profit. You’ll be glad you took the time to do it now rather than later or in a crisis.

Craft a marketing strategy

  • Consider questions like, “Who are we targeting with our marketing or advertising?” This can help you determine what your creative or promotional materials look like to better capture your audience.
  • What media do you use to reach your audience? TV, Radio, Facebook, Instagram, Direct Mail are all examples
  • When do we utilize the marketing strategy?
  • Membership/fundraising Drives - Does your organization conduct annual or semi-annual membership pulls? Or do you just solicit donations at certain times per year?
  • Events / Programmatic - Do you conduct programs where you want the public to attend. How can your marketing strategy be used in these instances.
  • WHO is responsible for walking out your strategy?
  • All the planning in the world does nothing if you don’t have the right team members or volunteers. When an event is coming up, do members of your Board step up to help with the marketing strategy? Do you use a partner like Red Pixel Marketing?
  • Crisis Management Plan
  • Let’s face it, image can be everything regardless of what type of organization you run. What happens when there is a crisis? What is the chain of command? Who is authorized to speak to the media and in what form? Talking through these things ahead of time can be a relief in times of crisis.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. In the complex world of tradigital (Traditional meets digital) advertising and marketing, it can be overwhelming to think about how your organization is represented on various platforms.

That’s where Red Pixel Marketing comes in. We can sit down with you and do more than just create an advertising budget. We can help you craft a strategic marketing plan that your non-profit can use for years to come.

-Jose Gaona, Red Pixel Marketing

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